Join this live course to feel the love, joy and fulfillment available to you always!!
Are You Ready to Master Meditation?
This is an opportunity that you won't get in the future. To work with me live in a zoom setting where you can ask questions and interact as a group.
See My Needs Clearly
Manage New Stress
Release Old Wounds & Trauma
I was able to:
Once I learned how to properly meditate, I began to shed away all the layers of conditioning that plagued my mind everyday. The thoughts started to dissipate and I was able to sleep again. I was able to gain mental clarity during my waking life like never before. I started manifesting the life I wanted to build going forward. Never before did I have such an appreciation for the gift of life.
Before meditation I was overworking myself without proper rest. Even when I did rest my mind would be racing or thinking of EVERYTHING accept where I was in the moment. Vacation didn't relieve me of this burden and neither did sleep. I was dreaming of work and I wasn't really free even when I was alone. 
Mastering Meditation Has Permanently Improved My Life 
I never miss a day because I notice how I feel when I'm not practicing. Even if I can only practice for 5 minutes on a certain day, the powerful effects are tangible. My practice has allowed me to move beyond the stress of the past so that when new challenges arise I am prepareed to face them head on.
I have studied over 15 different spiritual modalities which all point to these same essential skills when it comes to meditation. This is a systematic approach to the practice. This course will teach you how to work with meditation over time to improve every area of your life.
I have been meditating daily for 6 years. I never miss a day!
This is the introductory price. I can't hold this price forever. This course is valued at $199
Introducing the 21 days to Master Meditation Live Course
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21 Day Meditation Mastery Course
Go from no meditation to meditation mastery in just 21 days. This course provides you the training and guided mediations required to get you practicing like a pro by the end.
By buying now you get:
  • Access to the lessons for life
  • Connection to community support
  • A rare opportunity to interact with me live 
  • A one month VIP support channel with me to answer any question you have along the way
If you are ready to reset the story of your life and approach each moment as a new opportunity then this course is definitely for you. You will feel rested and restored like you didn't even know was possible.
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True Self Teacher Inc.